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Utilizing Humor to Drive your
Internal Communications

Why did the can crusher quit his job?
Because it was soda-pressing.

Whether it’s so-bad-they’re-good puns, simple one-liners, or childlike knock-knock jokes, you can draw interest and attention to your internal communications through humor. Any company can revitalize its corporate culture with a little fun. Human Resources can be just that: human.


Solvay S.A. is a worldwide leader in advanced materials and specialty chemicals and employs a global staff of nearly 30,000. The Group reached out to Mach Media when it needed help to “spice up” its HR internal communications campaign to promote its annual Performance, Development and Career Review (PDCR) process.

Solvay wanted something different. Something that would excite and motivate “been there, done that” team members and managers, and encourage them to embrace the performance review system.


Mach Media leapt to the challenge and helped the Group roll out a three-video, internal campaign series, inspired by the hit TV show The Office.

Edgy and over the top, the video campaign was precisely the type of “fun” communication that was needed to capture employee attention and get them engaged.

So, what’s the secret sauce in our strategy? Sometimes you have to be subversive to generate excitement and pop the “corporate” bubble.

While some may shy away from such a bold, creative approach, at Mach Media, it’s what we do, and we do it well. So, while humor is subjective, and using it as a mass communications tool is, shall we say… a tad risky, Mach Media believes bigger risks provide better payoffs.



And by better payoffs, we’re talking about successful campaigns that exceed expectations and garner real results. The case of Solvay is no different. After employing a progressive and actionable strategy, in collaboration with Solvay’s HR and Corporate Communications teams, the group saw a significant uptick in engagement from employees.

Breaking through corporate noise with offbeat and unexpected content can inspire employees to openly discuss and debate among themselves and with management, and move the organization closer toward its goals. And isn’t that what engaging internal communications should be about?

Pointillism Service

Does your organization need a little creativity and humor
in your corporate communications?